Project Name


Project Category

Community Development

Project's Website
Project Description

Advance community work by linking together localized and decentralized communities. Concretely, we propose a model in which self-governing community members get together in a physical location and contribute to the growth of that location based on a set of DAO-like rules.


We want to bring positive change to society by giving it a template for self-governing, self-sustaining, replicating communities, based on cutting-edge technology. Specifically, we leverage blockchain to develop template models for organization operation, including DAO principles, cryptoeconomics, smart contracts.


We propose a model in which self-governing community members get together in a physical location and contribute to the growth of that location based on a set of DAO-like rules.

Project development stage

IDEA/CONCEPT: Our initial idea involves bootstrapping a physical community in Geneva, Switzerland. We call it Bonfire Zero and it will serve as a template for further organizations (other bonfires) in other locations. We intend to obtain a building and develop it using the community, by asking all the members for investing their time and skills on Mondays and Tuesdays in exchange for membership. We will grow the community and create value by these concerted efforts using local community resources as well as hosting digital nomads. This will be done focusing on topics around technology, hacking, crypto, with the purpose of demonstrating the resulting community-supporting technologies externally (e.g., self-organization, independence).

Use of blockchain technology

Our concept is bound to implement a DAO and heavily use cryptoeconomies, gift economies to develop itself and later spin-offs. Please consult the deck for an explanation of the concept, to be heavily based on blockchain technologies.

About the team

 Our team has solid, international experience with Blockchain, having worked on multi-million projects in the domain.

Team LinkedIn profiles

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